
We have a door knob with a jammed lock. Our garage door is squealing like a banshee. The basement bathroom where I replaced the flooring two weeks ago, still has an old toilet that needs to be disposed of and tools all over the floor. Today I finally bought the grease for the garage door and a new door knob. After an hour of trying to get the lock to work, I determined that the new knob was faulty and put the old knob back on the door. 

Next I greased the hinges and wheels on the garage door. I have a curious habit of believing the workers at Lowe’s know what they’re talking about when they tell me how to do something. After spraying everything he suggested, I opened the garage door. It still squealed like a stuck pig. I proceeded to open and close the door several times to pinpoint the trouble spot. It was something completely different than the guy said. At any rate, I greased it up, the squealing stopped, and I felt satisfied to have completed that task. After that I gathered up the tools from the basement and put them away. Check. Two out of three isn’t bad. 

Before the night was over, one of the kids announced that the stair railing in the basement was falling off. Something is always broken. It’s an endless cycle of fixing and replacing.

Yesterday I was propelled by a renewed sense of enthusiasm for the coming days. Today I feel completely overwhelmed. What I failed to notice in the transition into this new season, I had neglected to spend a few devoted minutes each day in prayer and meditation. The irony is not lost in me. 

My stability is contingent on my dependence on God. Any attempt to manage my life in my own strength is a pity, really. At the end of the day, I’m not enough. It all requires more than I have to give, but with Jesus, there’s nothing I can’t do.

Tonight when I closed my eyes and focused my heart on Jesus, I felt the peace of God sweep over me. I felt the enormity of our world’s chaos fade into its proper place in light of eternity. I remembered that it’s not my job to fix everything, and heaven knows I’m doing good to grease the hinges. My job is to be obedient and always show love. 

“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.”

‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:16‬ ‭NASB‬‬



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