

This advice from Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s mother gripped me.

GINSBURG: She said two things. Be a lady, be independent.  Be a lady meant don’t give way to emotions that zap your energy, like anger. Take a deep breath and speak calmly.

I am 44 years old. I have wrestled with the weakness of “giving way to emotions” all my life. I have learned the value of not giving a rash response to a heated  situation, but I have not always been quick to practice that lesson. I have learned to absorb metaphorical hard hits, but the stream of hostility that comes from my mouth when I recount the story is quite another issue altogether. 

“Take a deep breath and speak calmly.”

What an incredible bit of wisdom to pass down from generation to generation. We are so fueled by emotions that zap our energy that we’ve lost the awareness of saving our energy for productivity. Can you imagine, if the women in our country would take these words to heart what a different environment it would create for future generations? This is so inspiring for me. This week I want to lock these words into my brain and practice holding back anger, taking a deep breath, and speaking calmly. 

“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,”

‭‭James‬ ‭1:19‬ ‭NIV‬‬


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