it counts

A few weeks ago I was walking into church at the same time as another family. The woman walked next to me and said, “Oh good! We can walk in with you.”

I asked if it was her first time and started to introduce myself. The circumstances of in-person church are more extensive than just the perimeters of coronavirus, and it makes visiting our church a little intimidating. All of which I wanted to converse about with this woman, but I had too many things in my arms and I dropped my pristine paper mask on the ground. When I bent to retrieve it, I spilled my coffee. It went all over my hands and my phone and onto my Bible. I stopped talking and set my belongings on a nearby trash can.

She offered to help, this very classy, put-together lady with a clean, probably sterile, mask. I politely declined, and they went in to church without me. I knew I should have felt embarrassed about my clumsiness, the mess, and the fact that I fully intended to cover my face with the mask I retrieved from the concrete. I could have let the ridiculousness of the situation shroud me in shame, but I didn’t. I didn’t because my mind was on the phone call I had received in the parking lot just minutes before, letting me know that my sweet Uncle Bubba had gone on home to Jesus. I had been crying and managed to pull myself together enough to get out of the car. So when I dropped my mask and spilled my coffee, those things took their proper place on the list of things that mattered. 

Death rattles me every time it passes through my sights. It also awakens me. It reminds me that our days are numbered. It sharpens the ticking of the clock in my ears. Make it count, Becca! Don’t waste it! 

Our days are numbered. Do things that matter. Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Love people with your words, deeds, and resources. Drink in the good and the beautiful. These all count.

“The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭19:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬


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