Steady Heart

I was very young when we lost a pastor that we loved and found a new shepherd for the flock. The new guy was totally opposite from the man that left. One was tall and the other small. One had a resonant, booming voice and a regal presence. The other was reserved in the pulpit and more approachable in person. It was a serious adjustment, and I wasn’t ready to let go of the old and embrace the new. 

Pastor Knight proved to be patient, kind, quick to listen and offer a word of encouragement in any situation. He showed up for dinner when he was invited. He showed up at the hospital when someone was sick. 

When I was a teenager, I shared my longing to write a book, and he gave me some good advice and wished me well. When I told him I felt a calling into ministry, he took me on a few hospital calls, spent time sharing some of the hard parts of the job, and told me that when God calls, He also equips. When I found the love of my life, he counseled us over a meal at the Mexican restaurant, and then officiated the ceremony. 

He was steady. I knew the work of the ministry was difficult. When things were especially tough, he was funny and real about it. Sometimes he shared hard things with tears. I’ll never forget him pulling a hanky out of his back pocket and wiping his face with it as he preached behind the pulpit. I loved his transparency. It helped me to trust him. We all grew to love him and Jan, and they were ours for a very long time.

He used to say, “Don’t forget in the dark, what God told you in the light.” Those words have stood like a lighthouse for me in dark times. A precious reminder that God never changes. His words never fail. He is always good, no matter how bad things are. I’m so grateful for the years these two spent pouring into my life by steadily walking the paths of righteousness. 

Godspeed, Pastor and Jan. You continue to run the race as faithful servants in the kingdom. May the favor and blessing of God continue to cover your ministry as Advocates for Africa! ❤️


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