

Jonathan Ogden is my new favorite. He’s a recently discovered (by me) songwriter and I absolutely adore his music. 

These recent months I’ve been falling into the ditches of wasted time. I’ll get really productive and accomplish things, and then I sit down to take a break and get sucked into the Facebook vortex, which fans the flames of my constantly smoldering anxiety. I lose hours laying in the ditch, watching my life just roll on by. My chest tightens up and my throat feels like it is closing and I have to shut it off.

Jonathan Ogden has a series of videos on YouTube called Worship Sessions. It’s just him and a keyboard and a heart of worship. I love them. I get lost in them. I listen over and over and even endure the crummy commercials because I’m not going to pay for YouTube. 

It really has me thinking... this guy spends hours and hours making music. While I’m lying in the Facebook ditch, he’s creating beautiful music to the praise of God’s glorious grace. And you know what? If you called me to ask what I was doing, and I said, “I’m just listening music,” I’d be doing something FAR more beneficial than scrolling. Because he sings about God. He sings songs from the Bible. He worships God freely and beautifully. He creates something that gives me something to do when I need to take a break, and it speaks to my soul. 

Find the music that stirs your soul, darlings. Find the artist that fills your mind with the Word of God, and turns your heart to Him. You’ll have those songs running through your mind, and it help you along as you abide in Jesus. 

“Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭42:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬ 

I’ll be gone for a bit, dear ones. I am taking a sabbatical, and I’ll be socially distancing from my phone. But I’ll be praying for you along the way, and I’ll be back before you know it. Lvb


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