This space

 This space

I could write 5000 words and never fully articulate how thankful I am for this space. When I sit down in this chair, suddenly I am engaged; spiritually, mentally, and physically. I am open to the Spirit of God. My soul quiets. I fly to my chair in a flurry, and when I settle, my soul finds space to breathe. My life, as it spins and whirls, threatening to consume me, suddenly becomes small and manageable in the presence and magnitude of God.

In this space, God birthed a dream in our hearts. Here is where we’ve been mulling over, planning out, and preparing to release our podcast. It seems so small and delicate from where I sit. Just a couple of lifers talking about the road home and cracking each other up along the way. 

I’m grateful. I’m grateful for all of it. This space. This dream. This dreamy guy to dream with. I’m grateful for the journey; the ups and downs, the heartbreaks and triumphs. I’m really grateful for Jesus’ faithful hand that has held us all this way. I’m wildly grateful that I was chosen to mother all these people, big and little. And I’m grateful for you, my faithful readers... the ones that link arms with me as I spill my guts everyday, and for the ones that nod as they read along in the background and never say a word. I’m grateful that we get to do this together. 

“For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1:15-16‬ ‭NIV‬‬


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