

I can’t explain how I feel when I fix something that’s broken. It’s elation. It’s a song in my heart. I talk about it for days because I can’t quite walk away from the feeling yet. It’s because it saves us money, for one thing. (I have a similar experience when I save money.) But more than that, it’s the joy of taking the brokenness and putting it right. 

This week it was an old iPad that needed fixing. It has been dropped more times than I care to know about. I replaced the screen once, but I thought a second attempt was a reach so I put it off for about 6 months. We don’t need it, it’s just an extra device for long trips. However, we have a long trip coming up and I needed one more device to load games and movies on. Even as I was putting the replacement screen in my Amazon cart, I knew it was a long-shot, but I went for it.

Tonight I successfully replaced the broken screen. I FIXED IT! I’m elated. I am singing and dancing around the room with a ridiculous smile on my face. Laughter is bubbling up from inside me. I am so happy that it works!

We were made for perfection. Our hearts and bodies and souls were made to walk in the cool of the day with God. No shame. No blemishes on our bodies or our consciences. We were born to live whole-hearted. We were designed for wholeness. When sin entered the world, it introduced brokenness to mankind. We need Jesus to restore wholeness to our hearts and reconcile us to God. He is the source of perfection that we long for. And when our days on earth are done, He will restore us to perfection with Him, forever. 

“Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.”

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭22:17‬ ‭NIV‬‬


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