
 In the summertime, I occasionally go out and tend the yard. It’s always a jungle by the time the task makes it to the top of the que. Maybe it’s because I only get out there once or twice during the hot months. In the spring, I try to cut it off at the pass. And I do a thorough clean-up in the fall. But honestly, it’s a low priority. 

A few weeks ago when I was cleaning up the rose bushes, I was shocked to discover that the leaves on the weeds mimicked the leaves of roses. The weeds that are threatening to choke the very life out of my rose bushes look like they belong right there with the roses.

As I was carefully cutting them away, I couldn’t help but think of how true this is in my life. The “weeds” grow up around me. They look almost right. If I let them grow, they start to perpetuate darkness in my usually sunny life. My thoughts begin to fixate on what’s happening in the news, and anxiety becomes a constant in my body. I start filling my time with worthless things, and I start to wonder if anything in my life has any value. When I allow the weeds grow, my light grows dim.

But just like these little sprigs of hope, when I clear out the weeds, I begin to flourish again. The funny thing is, as long as I don’t go in the yard, the weeds just come on back. If I don’t spend some time reading my Bible for a few days, the weeds creep back up and threaten my hope. 

It’s vital to our existence in the faith to keep going after Jesus. Read your Bible. Pray everyday. Live your life in a way that is worthy of being called a son of God.

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭26:3‬ ‭NIV‬‬


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