First Day of School

In case you haven't heard, we decided to join a charter school that is just opening this year for the first time. A charter school is basically a school that is funded by the state and caters to children's needs in ways that a public school doesn't. This charter is a hybrid program that incorporates classroom learning using the classical method with home schooling. They attend school two days a week and study at home three days a week. It's the perfect compromise. I couldn't have written the program to more perfectly suit my own individual needs.

To the utmost delight of these children, the official school year has begun. They have backpacks, pencil boxes, lunch boxes and a truckload of enthusiasm! I thought it would be a scramble to get out the door on time, but everyone was awake by seven. Everyone was dressed and packed up to go out the door by seven-thirty. We didn't have to leave for another hour. It was a long and torturous wait.

Deisha shared in the enthusiasm because she is up before seven every morning with only me to keep her company; I am usually dozing off on the couch until the other kids start getting out of the bed.

They ended up having a fantastic first day of school. They did their first chemistry experiment, making bread dough, they did portraits of their classmates, they had a Spanish lesson, and they made friends. Every one of them made a handful of friends that they can't wait to get back to.

I feel this incredible indebtedness to the director, a mom with a mission. More than that, I feel like God has given my family this bountiful gift that will impact them for years to come. Thank you, God, for tending to the little things.


  1. They look so excited and so grown up!! I miss them so much!


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