It's Friday, I'm in LOVE!!!

This morning I woke up to screaming. Not once, not twice, but three times I rolled out of bed to check the baby, remind her to sleep, and shut doors in an attempt to let everyone else get some rest. By the third time, Tre was yelling alongside the screaming baby because she kept waking him up. Poor dude sleeps right next to her crib and there's just nothing we can do about it. Micah doesn't wake up, Dale has to rest in order to be sharp for work, and frankly, there's just no room in the girls' room for another bed.

I cried a little today. For a year I've been telling myself that by this time it would be over with, but it's not over. There's no end in sight. Oh sure, she sleeps through the night sometimes. Even several nights in a row she'll zonk from 7:30pm-6:30am, but I never know when I go to bed whether she is going to wake us all up with that blood-curdling scream. It's draining.

On a happier note, Dale and I are reading a fantastic book that should be purchased immediately and opened as soon as possible. It's called "Faith-Driven Family" by Voddie Baucham. The first page cuts to the chase and it's a motivating and inspiring journey all the way through. You want to know where things started to unravel and how to bring your corner of the world back to order? READ THIS BOOK! This guy is awesome; he's totally down to earth. He loves Jesus, he's a student of the Word, and he's leading the willing onto the path of righteous living. I have needed a jump start like this for a long time.

The fruit of this labor is already changing things in our home. I am awe-struck. It has forced us to take a good hard look at our lives and start to clear away some of the weeds, in an effort to allow what is fruitful to thrive. What a blessing.


  1. thanks for the book recommendation - going to find it - its okay to cry.

  2. it is ok to cry, its good for you. i hope things get better soon like closer to home. i dont know how you all do it. love ya

  3. i'll be your shelter, in the pooring rain, when your feelin down, i'll ease the pain. I'll be your shoulder to cry on, even if its til the break of dawn. Girl you know you can rely on me, cuz with you's where i wanna be....


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