Saturday's Recital

Every couple of days, there is some sort of instruction happening in my yard or at the park or in the forts. For a while they had Bible study, then they were teaching hula dancing, as in with hula hoops, also French classes, math this summer... and so on and so on.
The latest frenzy is ballet for the girls, and karate, or any sort of fighting, for the boys. Along with the instructional classes, Kennedy has organized a girls' club that meets once a week, or more if they have pressing issues to deal with, and random fund raisers.To share the fruit of their labor, they girls arrange recitals at various intervals and invite anyone that will sit in a lawn chair and watch, as well as clap and cheer at the end. Sometimes there are snacks, sometimes there aren't.This week we had the pleasure of a mixed martial arts display in the yard next to the dancers. It was riveting!Leila was not allowed to participate in the recital because she did not commit to ALL the practices and she refused to take seriously the dress rehearsal, so at the end, we got up and did our own show. (It was totally unrehearsed, if you can believe that!)She mostly just needs a little spotlight time. It's understandable being fifth of six. I mean the kid doesn't get any attention. Ever. She needs extra love and affection. It's DUE her! (I can hear her boohooing outside the front door. I'm sure it's from a lack of necessary attention and the need to have her own way.) Kennedy takes these performances very seriously. Because she takes them seriously, everyone else takes them seriously. Especially the littlest girl's mother. She actually brought snacks for the pre-show rehearsal. Gotta love it.I finally told the boys to let Zack get off the bottom of the dog pile. He is the gentle giant of the neighborhood. After months and months of hard work, and a few weeks of consistently showing up to karate, he earned his yellow belt. Yay Zack!Lovely, girls. Just lovely. I can't get over how long Kennedy looks in these pictures.I gotta tell you, it took some prodding to get myself to post this picture. I realize it's not the most flattering photograph of me, but Leila walked in and squealed with glee when she saw it, confirming to me that I did the right thing. She said, "Remember how much fun we had when you were swinging me, awound and wound..." This comprised a good portion of our performance.I thought it was so sweet that the girls gave the matching dresses to the little ones and wore the closest thing to it themselves. It seemed very selfless, and made for a lovely show.
AANNNNDDD courtesy. They added the little neighbor girl who looked on longingly through the whole show but also was not invited to participate because she had missed most of the practices. Kennedy generously allowed her to dance the (real) finale because she hung out all morning hoping for a skirt to join the show, and because she practiced the last dance with them, which was critical to the flow of the performance.

Bravo! Encore! Beautiful! (raahhh the crowd cheers and claps) The end.


  1. i love it, thanks for taking the time to do this for all of us. it keeps us up to date and for a few minutes we dont feel so far apart. love you

  2. Marvelous show--simply marvelous! I do believe that all of these girls (and I do mean ALL of them) get their grace and beauty from their grandmothers.
    I'm not sure where the attack mode comes from in the boys--could be from........... their Grandmothers, of course!!!!


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