
I've never had a solid daytime routine. Every morning/evening is different from the next and does not resemble the day before. We eat three meals a day, but they sit in about a two-hour window. The chores get done (almost) every week, but not on the same days, and not usually by the same person. I get up early with Deisha, but usually I sleep on the couch for an hour while she stares at the magic box in the living room sipping her milky. Bedtime may be midnight, it may be 11:30, it may be 1:30am. My life is a wild card; it's something that has always troubled me.

I explain it away by the number of times we've moved, the constant shifting of my husband's work schedule, and the fact that we home school. What I really would love is some regularity, a little predictability, some kind of routine in my universe. (It's funny how my friends that live routine lives crave a little chaos in their worlds...)

There have been a couple of little things in my day that have created a bit of this normalcy for me. A few months back, Dale and I started playing cards after he got off work. It happens every night. Every night that we do it builds anticipation for the next night. It's not that the games are exciting because I usually lose, it's that we do it. Together. Every night. The other thing is that Deisha gets up between 6:30 and 7:30 every morning. This is not new, it's been happening for sixteen months now. What is new, is that I am waking up and working out before the kids get up.

The amazing thing about these new landmarks in my day is that I am sleeping like a baby- a good baby that really sleeps at night. When round four of our card game rolls around, I am watching the clock because my body is ready to go to bed. I used to dread bedtime because it would take so long for me to shut down. Most of the time, right before I'd drift off, Deisha would sound the alarm and send me into hysterics, knowing that it would take that much longer to get back to sleep. Because I am sleeping so well, even with the nighttime waking, I wake up ready to be awake. It's a cycle that seeps into every area of my life.

I just thought you ought to know.


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