
I don't always take the photos that I post on this blog. Usually they are my originals, but these two dolphins came off the Internet. I'm not trying to steal anybody's thunder by doing this; I am just aware that it's more fun to read when you have an image to connect to the experience. So celebrate with me and know that I'd MUCH rather be looking at an armadillo dead on the side of the road than a frolicking dolphin in the crystal blue ocean, because it would mean that I'm home.
In other news, there is a position opening up this winter that we are very, VERY interested in. Currently there are a few roadblocks that could make it difficult and even impossible to get the transfer. If you know Jesus, we need your prayers. Honestly, in the deepest recesses of our hearts we only want what God wants for us. With that said, we believe He has put that desire in our hearts as well as plans for the ranch, etc. So ask Him on our behalf. Just add it to the end of your prayers or every time you think of one of us, or every time you read this blog, "And please bring the Suttons home". In exchange for your faith and generosity on our behalf, when we are safely home to stay, I will gladly make grilled cheese sandwiches and kool-aid for your children when you come over to play, and deliver cookies to you on Valentine's day if I can reach you, and sometimes toilet paper your car when you least expect it because my kids are almost old enough to participate in this kind of revelry. Have a fantastic Saturday and I'll keep you posted as the story develops.


  1. i dont like the sounds of the road blocks, we got to pray for them to go away, we want you home

  2. Tell Dale to look really hard for a job here! That would be so much fun. Think about it, OK????


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