I heart Tuesdays

If you remember, Tuesday is our Friday. When Dale gets off work today, we will be in weekend mode. I especially love today because we don't have ballet, this is the last week of karate, temporarily, and my house is (relatively) clean! I worked out this morning, the kids are at school, Leila and I did her lesson, now after lunch I'm a free agent. I can do whatever I want because I have worked really hard every day this week. As much as I loathe housework when it's piling up, I really don't mind doing it a little at a time. Of course there are plenty of things that could use some extra attention, but as far as being on top of things, I am king of the mountain!

I'll tell you what does trip me up on our "weekends" though. I get in that mode, you know? And I want to just order pizza for dinner. Have Dale grab some hamburgers after running errands tomorrow. Go out for dinner and a movie to celebrate a well-deserved break from the rat-race. It's a snowball effect that leaves me feeling anxious and full of regret. Having my menu posted and the meat thawed for it helps because if I don't suggest pizza for dinner, everyone else will assume that I want to make dinner and that it would hurt my feelings to suggest otherwise. It's a trickery of the mind, I realize, but it's-- necessary to prevent the avalanche.

We usually go out for one fun day of our weekend. Maybe I've mentioned before that it usually starts with lunch out, a run through Target, a few random errands and occasionally a farmer's market. It predictable, but we love it; I mean I love it. Last week we changed it up and went to the pier, remember the dolphins? But that kind of detour from the plan is something I tend to balk at when it's mentioned. I am a creature of habit- I'm trying to be better about not shooting down suggestions like this, which I was careful not to do last week and boy was I glad! Honestly, I would be fine with eating the same food at the same restaurant every week because that's just the way I am. Dale brings the spice to my life, and I love him for it.

So adios, friends. I tend to get a little swept away during the celebration of rest, so if I disappear, don't fret. I'll be back soon. xoxo


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