The Little Girls

I have some work I should be doing right now, but I don't really want to get up and do them. I'm stalling. When I came across these pictures, I thought it necessary to post them because I have these kids that rob you of all capability to reason. Thought you could use a dose of LollylollylollyPOP!

She's funny, and wild, and manic, and has crazy hair, and despises washing her face. She only wears dresses if you want her to wear pants. She can light up a room in a minute. She's four and she's mine.

When God gave us Deisha, I was shocked. I was in shock for most of my pregnancy as well as a good bit of her first year. You can imagine my surprise when I snapped out of it and realized I had a 15-month-old.

She is busy all the time. If there is even a minuscule elevation anywhere in her sights, she will attempt to climb it.

She gets up at the crack of dawn. It used to be like a bad dream; she woke up and screamed a blood-curdling scream to announce the arrival of the sun. Now she will stand up in her bed and say, "Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Mom. Mom. Mom. Hi. Hi. Mom. Hi." It's precious but if I don't hurry to get her up, the screams follow pretty quickly.

She can destroy a room in fifteen seconds flat. Her new thing is to pull all of the clothes out of her drawers. This sweater has become a travelling security blanket. She wants to wear it day and night. If she can find it, she will follow me around holding it up to me until I put it on her. When we took this photo, she was wearing her day clothes underneath the sweater and the dress. I figured out shortly after I added the dress at her bidding that she was dressing herself to go outside. When I wouldn't open the front door for her, she went on a hunt for a shoe and went right back to the door. Someone needs to tell her mother that she is desperate for more sunlight in her life!

PS I love all my kids this much, I just have more pictures of these two because they are at my side all day every day. Why are you always judging me??? (Note: thick Spanish accent, hokhay???)


  1. Those are 2 pretty cute girls!!! LOL I love those two!!! I love all therest of them too!!!

    Did you know I am getting married???


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