Indoor Forts

I love it when they entertain themselves with fort building. Unfortunately for me there's no place to sit when the forts are up which means I'm usually sitting here in this chair while all kinds of insanity swirls around the next room.
As long as they are busy and working together instead of fighting, I encourage them. When the fighting starts about who got the best cushion, I start to lose my mind. I mean really, what could "the good cushion" be? Deisha also loves this game because it means someone is running around inside with her.

Lol is a creative builder. If the need ever arises to live in a squatter's village, she'll be the first one I call. She uses everything she can find in her house. I'm wondering if my spatula disappeared into one of these creations. It's been gone for some time now.
Micah has the mind of an engineer. He is constantly asking me how things work. The other day he asked me who invented electricity and how it works. I hope I was right- I know it involves friction and the transfer of electrons... Someday he'll read an article or a book about it and set me straight if I wasn't. Jasmine, is a lovely fort-guest and participates only when she has a nice place for her head to be displayed.
Trebo is perpetually grounded, which means he asks me at regular intervals if he can get out the cushions. By regular intervals, I mean that as soon as the kids go outside he starts asking every seven minutes until the answer is yes.
I love these kids, I LOVE these kids.


  1. you are a nice mom - i only let them use blankets adn chairs for forts.


  2. ThAT IS SO GREAt... maybe this activity can happen in... oh maybe... 4 weeks??


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