
Yesterday we took a trip up the coast to go to Avila Barn and to the fish markets on the pier. As we were pulling into the parking lot, Micah said, "Hey what's that! It looks like a shark or a whale or something!" We all balked at him knowing that sometimes the sea lions can look like fish in the way they slip in and out of the water.

You can imagine our exuberance when we saw this right out in the middle of the fishing boats off the pier! Apparently there's some sort of migration this time of year and they are hanging out at Avila Beach for a while. We backtracked a little down to the beach where we spotted a school of six all diving in and out of the water together. It was a breath-taking sight! God continues to deliver these sweet, sweet blessings to us out here on the other side of the world.


  1. amazing dazzling superfabulous - chatted with sarah a bit today online - have a great day

  2. Yes, but if you will come to Kansas you can see deer and armadillos and rabbits and squirrels and coyotes and cattle and snakes and they aren't dolphins, but we could watch Free Willy, if you want!


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