
I was shocked to open my blog and see an ad for mail-order brides in the corner. My sincere apologies for allowing something so dastartdly to be promoted here.

We survived another Saturday, but this one didn't seem nearly as long as the last few have been. For one, we spent Friday separate, the boys in one city, the girls in another. Unfortunately for the girls, I'm thrifty and we spent the day with our friends. The boys went on all kinds of adventures and found an array of wonderful treasures, one being The Dangerous Book for Boys which has thrilled them to no end to keep top secret and out of the eyes of the entire female population of this dwelling. I keep joking about needing to preview it, being the matriarch, but the boys and Dale have assured me that it's not for my eyes.

Kennedy invited a friend over last night. This morning I made canned cinnamon rolls, per Kennedy, and turned on Tom and Jerry. When I called my mom I told her it felt like a real Saturday. You know, the kind of Saturday you used to live for when you were a kid? My life was so grounded and so predictable growing up that things like this are stamped in my brain and when I am reminded if gives me great comfort. After we ran our errands, we crashed on the couch. It didn't take me or Leila very long to conk out, but I was surprised to see all the kids laying around when I woke up. As much as no one is showing it, I think we all have a little bit of a virus that is zapping our energy. Thank goodness the sun is shining and we can spend a good bit of the day outside. I'm sure if we were locked in, we'd start harvesting all the symptoms in bulk.

We're encroching upon Spring Break which means the end of the school year is in sight! I can't believe we've already made it past the halfway mark and now halfway through the third quarter. All of this flags the speedy homecoming of our new addition, which is exciting and a little bit unnerving, if the truth be told. Watching my friend with her new baby and how looking at that kid when she smiles transports her into another realm reminds me of the wonder of new life. It really is amazing.

Pregnancy is the ultimate enforcer of procrastination. The other night I made a chart of all my necessary cleaning, weekly, monthly, and quarterly, thinking it would help me to keep track of the things I need to do and the frequency of their completion. But knowing I have this list looming over me makes it more difficult to accomplish, I'm afraid. Granted, I don't know how often I wash the kids' sheets because they kind of rotate having accidents or catastrophic events like the flu, so it seems like someone's sheets are always in the wash, but I know some of them don't make the cycle because they don't have accidents and they know when their stomach starts rolling to get out of the bed. I don't remember the last time I edged my carpets and it's showing. I did clean out the fridge, but I've yet to clean under any of the appliances in this house. Should I feel bad about that? I don't know... these are the things I think about when I have quiet time. That's why I need a hobby when everything gets quiet, so I don't spend all my down-time plotting out my work routine.

Aside: It's 8:14. Leila just came in and said, "Hiccups". When Tre got the hiccups, I had him do 100 jumping jacks and they were gone when he got to the end. When Jasmine got the hiccups, I told her that she needed to go back to bed, which sent her into a tantrum and when I called her back out of her bedroom and told her to "do it" she couldn't produce a single one, which made her madder until I informed her that she was cured. Sometimes we use a spoonful of sugar. It's not scientific, but it's fun for the kids when they get those blasted things and they seem to believe that it works. I told Leila to do jumping jacks, which is the funniest thing to watch. I love to watch kids of all ages do jumping jacks because they require such coordination. She wouldn't wait around for a hundred, but she did do six push-up, three crunches, four up-downs, and then six more jumping jacks. When I told her to open her mouth and "let me see" she said, "Seep, Mom." She was ready to go back to bed. Call it a gift, but I can cure hiccups. Sometimes.


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