The Krusty Krab

This year we took Spongebob off the naughty TV list and he has become a part of our everyday lives. I banned it when it first came out because I thought the humor was too crude for preschoolers, but since most of mine are in school now and have matured into a new level of acceptable crudeness, I decided to allow it. And besides that, one of my most virtuous and godly friends had an influence on my decision when her son performed an entire episode of Spongebob for me when I came to visit. I don't regret it. I didn't, however, know that they show hours and hours of it everyday. There are serious limitations to how long an adult can withstand this kind of entertainment.
For those of you still on the outskirts of Spongebob-mania, he works at the Krusty Krab and his job is more than a job, it's his joy in life. At the Krusty Krab, they serve Krabby Patties which are made from a secret recipe but are the most popular entree in town. Kennedy in all her ingenuity, set up the Krusty Krab in our backyard yesterday and again heralded the news to all of our neighborhood friends. This time these two were feeling MUCH better and came over to embark on this exciting new culinary adventure. Obviously they are enjoying themselves very much. *aren't they sweet??? We adore them. Their parents are just as cute.*
With the Krabby Patty recipe being top secret, we had to come up with an alternative that would spark the same popularity as the original. Kennedy wanted to fry hamburgers, she even promised to buy the patties and buns and everything with her own money. Being the ogre that I am, I was forced to inform her that her two dollars even if she added in Micah's dollar, would not cover the cost of real hamburgers and buns, and besides that the other mothers in the neighborhood may frown on their children coming to my house after school and eating hamburgers in our shed. There was just something about it...
So we opted for the cookie look-a-like. Sugar cookies made perfect buns, and just like the pancakes, Kennedy's sugar cookies are divine. I don't know what she does, but she's got some kind of culinary magic. For the patties she made No Bake Cookies which like every other batch I've made out here did not set up very well, so she froze them and once they were between the two *buns* they made a perfect look-alikes that were super delicious Krabby Patties. Even Leila was excited about the Krabby Patties and cried when I made her take a nap before the constuction was complete.

The other kids performed their duties obediently and with as much excitement as she did. They are so amazing when they are working together on something. I love the energy and enthusiasm, if only I could get on-board. Just a few more months...

I feel bad when only a few of her friends come out for the activity she has put so much work into, but it's good practice for the days coming when all the cousins are close-by and she will have perfected her technique so the operation will run like a well oiled machine.


  1. We rent Spongebob because we can't get enough.
    Well, Molly can't get enough.
    The other kids roll their eyes and say "you've seen that one a thousand times".

    I love to see your kids having that kind of imagination and acting on it. Fun Stuff!


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