Saturdays without a football game on the otherside of the state were a relief. Saturdays without a basketball game inside the city limits were fun at first since we could all sleep in, but we miss having a team to root for, and honestly, we miss the excitement. I avoid going to the store on Saturdays because it's just too frightening to drag my parade of children through the busy isles. If the truth be told, these event-free days can be a little long and boring.

Last weekend, Kennedy decided to remedy this pitfall with a great idea. Actually Micah came up with the one that stuck, "Let's make a Chuck E Cheese in our backyard." Kennedy got onboard and they spend the entire morning drawing up plans and coming up with ideas for games.
This was Micah's first idea. His building skills have inspired him to be an architect when he grows up, so he took the most initiative to draw up plans for his games, and he ended up with the most elaborate creations.
Kennedy came up with all the other games and spent most of her time writing invitations and deciding who to invite.
Jasmine mostly played with the dogs, and cheered for all the good ideas, and did what they told her to do.
Unfortunately Tre had to take a nap that day, the first one in years... But when got up he got to participate in all the festivities.
Kennedy invited everyone she could think of within a three block radius, but of the three that were able to come, two were sick and decided to go home without playing any games. The other guy was a great party guest and spent not only the entire party time with us, but several hours before and after. He was SO excited to be apart of our Saturday.
I was glad that there are enough kids under this roof that could fill the yard, play the games, and win the prizes that we didn't miss the other kids in the neighborhood when they couldn't come.

Max and Scooter, who spent the whole time in the kennel together, were just glad when it was over and they could breathe again.


  1. I want to come to Chuck e cheese in ur Back Yard!!!!! Please?!?!?!

    I miss you all!!!!!


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