Scooter got a sweat-er, Scooter got a sweat-er! This dog hates clothes, but he looks so cute in them that Kennedy cannot bear to
not put them on him. I attempted to take this photograph twelve or fifteen times, but he just wouldn't look at the camera. It was a fluke that he looked my way as the flash lit this time. Notice the claws on this beast. Poor thing; I don't know if it's the breed or if it's that when we run him, he runs after the treats and then lays in the grass the rest of the time we're at the park, but he cannot keep his nails trimmed. I have to hog tie him about every month and trim them down. They get so long they catch on the carpet! I'd ask the vet about it, but that would mean he'd have to actually GO to the vet and, frankly, I just don't feel like it. So I just hog tie him and clip them when they start catching.

Leila would take him to the vet it she could. She'd also take him to the doggy salon, the doggy resort, and buy him a guesthouse to put in the backyard so he could get away from Max because she loves him. She loves him so much that she will drag him by the ears up onto her lap if he isn't getting up fast enough. She loves Max too, but not unconditionally. Whenever she smells something stinky she says, "Eeewww Max!" But she does share her milk with him if I'm not looking, and her snacks, and all of her meals. He's usually right at my feet waiting for her benevolence to kick in toward the end of each meal. Lucky for me they love her too.
But no one loves these dogs like Kennedy. Today when Max tore off the grill cover, the third replacement, the second and third I purchased within a week of each other, I told Kennedy I was going to put him down and she pulled him up on that couch with her and said, "Poor Max. She hates you, but love you." To which I retorted, "I only sometimes hate him." Poor kid.
I thought you might like to see all the kids in action if only for a second. This greeting is a little late, but no less sincere. Happy Valentine's Day from the Suttons. We love you.
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