Seven Random Things

Becky tagged me last week or last month and like I generally do when tagged in a live game, I walk around and plot how I can catch someone with as little physical exertion as possible. Here it is so many days later and I'm still it, so...

1. I think about my Aunt Mary in the Spring. She divorced our family several years ago and drastically reconstructed her life. I haven't spoken to her or heard anything about her for a long, long time. She introduced me to *creme rinse* when I was a kid and had long hair, so I loved her. She was never a small woman by any stretch, or beautiful, but she never seemed to lack self-confidence. I remember being at a family reunion somewhere and she took me shopping with her at Wal-Mart. What sticks out in my mind is that everything she bought was yellow. She bought a yellow shirt that had ducks on it along the top and white stripes along the bottom, it matched her yellow pants and new yellow shoes with navy accents. In that era it was a fashion faux pas to shop for clothes at Wal-Mart; it was then that I discovered why. She was really excited to get out to the pool in her bathing suit, too. I was only eleven and almost had a teenager's figure, but I planned on wearing some sort of cover up until I got into the water and immediately after exiting the water, so I was a little grossed out about the whole thing. It wasn't just the physical ramifications of this gal in her two-piece but the innuendos coupled with the snickering and elbowing. For Pete's sake, I was eleven years old.

2. A philosopher I am not, in the traditional sense, but I do have these theories in life that I sort use as ground zero reference points for everything that I do on a practical level. In my short thirty-one years, many of these theories, which I've shared in great length hoping to offer some wisdom to other women and mothers, have been disproved by real logic, documentation, and experimentation. Just so you know what I'm talking about here, I used to believe that if a kid had a cold, being in the cold couldn't do much more damage because if bacteria grows where it's warm, the cold would run it all off. My brother is a biologist and informed me that bacteria weakens the immune system, so when a kid has a cold and goes into the cold, he is further weakening the immune system and thus making himself more vulnerable to infection by exposing himself to harsh weather conditions. It was something like that, anyway, he disproved my theory with science. I have a lot of theories, some I still stand by and some I have had to let go of and also apologize for. What can I say, I am what I am.

3. I have a vice. *At this point I recognize that a short list is what this game of tag is intended for, but today I have a lot on my mind that needs to be blogged.* I'm a gamer. I love video games. At any given season of my life when waiting is involved, this is the vice I turn to for cover. Sometimes I play Nintendo DS, sometimes I download samples from Yahoo Games, sometimes I play Sudoku. Before I had computer skills, I would play solitaire for hours. It's not good or healthy or balanced, but sometimes I just have time hanging all around me and I need to fill it with brainless endeavors. For a year I vowed not to play any video games on our computer, it was new so I was starting with a clean slate. I did really well for most of the year, but then when I got to the end of my pregnancy, I fell back into the abyss of the gamer's world. At this point I am handling my addiction one day at a time in stride, but there is no guarantee that I'm free of the monkey on my back.

4. I crave sugar the same way; all or nothin', baby.

5. This quote: The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing. Marcus Aurelius. It's random. And I like it.

6. I have this recurring dream that I'm at summer camp. I have really good memories of summer camp, it was something I looked forward to every single month of the year until it was time to go. For some reason the dreams I have of Wheatstate Camp are riddled with drama: I am always back in the throes of adolescence (not a good era for me), there is always a serious crisis taking place, and generally my life is in danger along with all the other campers. It's a frightening thing to be waiting for your name to be called in Mail Call and be herded out of the tabernacle, running in the stampede toward the gym. I mean for real, you don't even have a chance to check your bangs before you have to leave the building, there's no one in the snack bar to take your order, and when you get there the cutest boy in the entire camp, Jason Hollis, is already talking to a circle of girls. Like, gag. Can it get any worse? No, seriously, usually it's some sort of terroristic situation and the bangs are non-existent, but I had to give a shout out to my girls that know what's up with Wheatstate Camp. For whatever reason, that place haunts my dreams.

7. We watched Reign Over Me about a year ago which I sobbed through from beginning to end; I loved it. We saw it in the theater the first time and I have been pining to own it ever since. Seriously, I could watch it once a week and still love it as much as I did the the first time I saw it.
...tag Sandy. I don't have a lot of friends so you're it.


  1. Spanglish?? thanks for removing that scary doll from you topper. I feel safer now when I read your blog.

  2. Girl! I totally think about Wheatstate also!


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