The weight is gone, a new kid is born! These pictures are so funny, I just can't get over how much these boys don't look like themselves.

Micah got a trim just because I know he'll need one in three days and if you're going to sit in the salon for one, you might as well knock them all out at once.

Leila's favorite thing to say lately is, "Ma' tummy's kickin'." It's so precious! Kennedy thought it would be fun to give her a big tummy and let her *have a baby*. Elmo is her husband. You can see she's about ready to deliver by the expression on her face.

Last week I bought steaks and we grilled for the first time in probably a month. I made a big fresh salad, baked potatoes, corn, and asparagus. The weather was so typically spring that I wished I would've made a strawberry shortcake to top it all off. Since the wind wasn't blowing the kids asked if we could have a fire and roast marshmellows in the fire pit, which I thought was a great idea.

As the sun went down, it got pretty chilly and the joiners fell off one by one, but Jas stayed until the fire was just barely burning. She wanted to take a picture of it, but without the flash all you can see is orange spots in the black pit. This was the result of the flash. It doesn't quite lend the same effect of being around the smoldering embers in the cool night air in February.
GREAT HAIRCUTS!!!!!! everyone looks so grown... What is lali expecting to birth??? kind of scary that thereis something kicking in her tummy YEOW!!!