I don't know if every Federal Prison is as community oriented as this one, but they go all out to build community between the employees. Last weekend was the Easter Egg Hunt. The kids were up and dressed early, constantly peeking through the curtains to see if a crowd had gathered yet.

We all stuffed Wal-Mart bags in our pockets because I wasn't sure they'd have baskets for the kids, even though they were certain they could fill their pockets and jackets with eggs.

When we arrived, I was thrilled to see the elaborate set-up. They had games, two bounce houses, face painting, a craft table, and three different areas to hunt. Shortly after we arrived they fired up the barbeque and started grilling hot dogs. It was all pretty exciting.

They even had a real live Easter Bunny. I know someone took a picture of some of my kids with the bunny, but I was mostly following Leila around and she wouldn't get within six feet of her. She was so cute. I don't like costumes or too much make-up on a character. Anything that covers the true identity of the person is just unsettling to me; call me crazy. The last time we went to the circus I had to cover my racing pulse by walking calmly past the clowns lining the sidewalks as we entered. I don't want to pass this phobia on to my little ones, but apparently it's genetic. I was pleased to learn that this was the 17-year-old neice of the people putting on the party so I felt much more comfortable about encouraging Leila to at least give her a high-five.

The face painting was a huge hit with three of my five. The gal that did it was so sweet; she took all the time in the world to paint the details specifically for each kids' preferance.

I laughed out loud when Micah asked for "snakes on both cheeks and flames all over this part" waving over his entire forehead. I shouldn't be surprised though, Dale has said for years that he wanted to get flames tattooed up his neck. I used to vehemently argue, but these days I really don't mind. Some things just aren't that big of a deal.

Princess Jasmine naturally asked for a heart. She told me later that the cloud wasn't her idea, but she really liked it.

Kennedy asked for an entire bunny face. She is ever the entertainer. I had to convince her to wash her face before her friends picked her up for the basketball tournament. It's so funny that she's still so into this kind of thing; don't get me wrong, I am thankful. Last night she spent her Easter money on a new diaper bag and a set of baby food for her Baby Alive.

Dude felt so awesome with his face paint after I showed him his picture. He was so careful about touching his face all day because he didn't want to smudge the art. He'll be asking for tattoos long before he's 18, I'll bet on that.
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