
I was seriously considering taking a nap instead of posting these random things today, but I decided that in honor of my sweet mother-in-law Dana, I will write and *hopefully* nap later. Besides, I have SO much to tell you.
Wednesdays are my favorite. As much as I try to prevent busyness in our lives while still keeping the clock moving, I love Wednesdays because they are busy. This morning I made lunch and dinner at the same time so that we can eat and head out early for Awanas tonight. I cleaned house last night so that at the end of the day we can come home and I can just relax. Dale will be waiting when we get home to start our weekend. deja vu...
Last night while I was cleaning bathrooms, I was thinking about how far I've come in the cleaning department. Years ago I cleaned with a friend of mine who owned a cleaning business. She taught me so much about the secret placed dirt hides and how not to cut corners in cleaning. While I dutifully scrubbed floorboards, washed light fixtures, and edged the carpets in every room during the day, I never did that at home. Once in a while I did wipe the tops of the door frames, but it was never part of my cleaning regimen. *nothing really was back then.* So last night while I was scrubbing the walls and floorboards I realized why. I have a lot more traffic in my house than I used to way back then. Right now, if you get on the floor and crawl through the house at Leila's level, you will find hand prints, drips, and smudges on just about every foot of the wall. *not today because I cleaned yesterday but by next Tuesday, you can guarantee it.* I am more thankful right now for our little dollhouse because I'm not sure I could keep up if I had to take care of much more. I tell myself that after I have the baby, I'll have more energy, I'll be more flexible, and thus the cleaning will not be such an exhausting chore. Plus I'll have a chance to re-establish the balance before we move again into something potentially bigger.
Something else that I've been thinking about is that there are some things that are better to clean with a dry brush than with a wet rag- like window screens. I haven't figured out how to take ours out yet, so it's just better to brush them than to smear the dirt all over the place. Same with dusting; for the tv and computer desk I always use swiffer duster cloths. They're like magic.
Here's one more little token to grow on- I love candy and because of this affinity, I only buy it on special occasions, like Wednesdays. Just kidding; mostly just on holidays. But I still crave chocolate and tend to eat a lot of things that I don't really want in an effort to satisfy the craving. I believe I've found the perfect solution to my dilemma: Planters Chocolate Covered Cashews. Super yummy. I can eat five of them and surpass the beast, whereas I would have in the past eaten a king size Reece's Peanut Butter Cup. They sell them in a little canister by the other cans and jars of nuts, not in the candy section. I only buy them when they're on sale otherwise they are just too expensive, but for $3.00, oh yes I will.
Spring break is moving right along. Tomorrow will be kind of a normal day for us since when Dale's home everything else get pushed down the priority list. So really, this is the last day of Spring break, and boy was it wonderful. We look forward to the summer. Especially since it doesn't get hot here until Labor day.
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