Spring Inspiration

Almost everyone I talk to on a regular basis is still seeing snow on the ground or at least donning a hat and mittens to brave the cold. We are living large in the sunshine and starting to see fields of flowers color the fields on our way to Wal-Mart. The hope of spring inspired me to change the look of my blog. Obviously my first attempt was not quite what I was looking for, but brighter none-the-less. This time I viewed a couple of tutorials and found a lot more help than I originally found when I started construction forever ago.

Tonight we will venture to the city for AWANAs, our favorite night of the week. The kids get excited about the program, we love that they are learning the Word and having so much fun, and every Wednesday night marks another week away from my former existence as a wretch in the face of opposition or under pressure. God is generous and full of mercy. But I also love Wednesday because it means when we get home Dale is already out of his work clothes and he's all ours for two whole days. It means that we'll stay up late and laugh a little more and tease each other about ordering pizza at ten o'clock and make plans for the next few days that will make it feel like a real weekend only without the crowds. I'll slack off of laundry and housework as much as I can so that my real weekend will have something to keep me busy while he's away again. It's my favorite part of this life.

In anticipation of Easter weekend I am going to, once again, plan a big meal since we can't be with all the people we love, only this time Dale won't be around so I'm going to have to get creative. So here's the question. What do people eat for Easter dinner? I can't remember what is customary because I've never cooked for it and everywhere we went, the food was overshadowed by the excitement of the Easter Egg hunt that followed. Dale informed me that for Easter you eat, "Spring luncheon food like egg salad, potato salad, deviled eggs..." I thought he was joking because we always have that stuff to use up the hard-boiled eggs we dyed the day before. Now that I think about it, he may be right. Seems like one year I made a carrot cake, which seems appropriate in regards to it being the favorite dessert of the Easter Bunny. Maybe some of you seasoned home-makers can help me out here. Should I buy the ham???


  1. B,
    We have always had ham at my house for Easter, which never quite satifies because I don't like ham. Deviled eggs are a must for obvious reasons. I know you like to stay with tradition, but perhaps lamb chops a try. It's not as hard as it sounds. Here's a link address for a good recipe.



  2. I say Corn Dogs, Onion rings, and French Fries, Definitely a Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting... some Deviled eggs... yummmy... and maybe lets see... what else do you need... Anything that you can put caramel on!! YUMMMMMMm!!! Love in the Love!! I'm almost 28!

  3. I buy a smoked ham, so it only needs to be warmed before lunch.
    Dale's right about the spring luncheon. If you can find good fresh fruit already, and I bet you can there, make fruit ka bobs. They are colorful for the table and the kids will have fun helping you make them. Kiwi, pineapple and strawberries.
    And, yes, always carrot cake.
    Now I want to come cook for you.


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