Yesterday the kids found this guy firmly planted on the wall outside our back door. The wind was whipping around him and he wasn't going anywhere. Dale said he was "of biblical proportion."
I knew it would be hard to convey the size of him in a picture so I put this dime up on the wall next to it. Yeah... it still doesn't do him justice. I've never seen anything quite like it.
There are other giant bugs here, like these green pokka-dotted beetles that perch on our screens and hiss when we try to knock them off. I don't like anything that hisses. I also saw this other giant beetle the other day that are all black and have long skinny bodies. When they go into defense mode, they stiffen their back legs to look bigger and just stay right there in the middle of the sidewalk to frighten off predators. When he stuck his back half into the air, I laughed, because I was intimidated enough by the looks of him moving, even though they move super slowly.
I didn't step on it or sweep it away because it was a good four inches long and yikes. What if he jumped? Can you imagine if something like this got into your hair? That happened to me once, only it was a junebug. It got into my hair and I went into hysterics. When you have long hair, sweeping it all around only tangles the little devil further in. I kept hearing it clicking-- oo that gives me the willies just thinking about it. I had to stop screaming and twitching so that one of my brave compadres could untangle it and rid me of it. I have always been lucky enough to have friends that do not fear bugs or mice or anything of the sort. Once I had to kill a mouse and after working the entire night in a state of shock following the murder, my loyal friend and co-worker said, "If you come across anything you need killed, just call me." I count it a blessing.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! Killing the mouse... the crate... YEOW!!!!that was HILARIOUS... more of those fond random memories... **sigh** So I totally got June ug chills when I read this blog... EEEEWWWWWWWWW!1!!