This Girl

"What?" she said in total bewilderment, "It is really good!"
Someone unsuspecting soul said, "Sarah, you have some stuck on your tooth."
"Oh, I do? How embarassing!" she said, which made me double over with laughter. Being the creative soul I am, I stole the joke and continued it through the next decade in my own flavor, but I will never take the credit because, frankly, she's the master and deserves every ounce of it.
Just for the record, she's eating my grandma's famous frozen salad that is really so good you could eat it and end up like this. It transports you somehow.

And we both think we are the funniest people in the world when we're together. Clearly we are. Have you ever heard of the Lucy Sisters? We're pretty much famous for writing songs that enlighten people via our personal experiences and singing them onto a recorded message machine on the Nobody's Listening Podcast. We made the show more than once.

And we are pretty sure we are the most inventive duo on the planet. We drove to my brother's house together a couple of years ago and spent the whole time coriographing a work-out video for commuters, one that you can do in the car. Aside from being a cardiovascular experience different from any other, it proved to be wildly entertaining for both of us and we would certainly market it as such- wildly entertaining to spice up that monotonous commute.
Sometimes I call her and say, "Hey can you stop by Thirty-One Flavors on your way over?" To which she replies, "Um, we don't have Thirty-One Flavors and I'm not really coming over today." Honesty. It's what I love about this girl.
Sundays make me homesick, but I'll call her in a little while and she'll make me feel better.
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