Dora Sisters

These girls wore matching Dora pajamas last night.
We took this picture to
remember the moment.
It was a little blurry
because Deisha had some
big announcement to make.
So we took this one.
Despite Deisha's perfect pose,
Scarlette's attention was
taken away from the camera
for just a moment
which made this picture blurry.
So we took just one more and
Boom! Got it!
This little sweetheart only needed one shot
to capture her beautiful smile.
I might be the luckiest mama
IN the universe.

I have that crazy anxiety again.
Of course it landed at a very
conspicuous time of the month
so I have to attribute it
100% to my hormonal influx.

Sista gave me this great piece of advice:
"Laugh out loud. 
Laugh in the face of anxiety!"
I received the text at a moment when I was
alone in the car.
I took it literally and as the hearty
laugh burst forth from my lips
I noticed a woman nearby
out of my open window.
I quickly rolled the window up and
laughed out loud in the face of anxiety!
It felt better. It really did. 
In order to keep it at bay,
I need to laugh more and
stop scowling at everyone.
CHEESE!  See me?  I'm smiling!



  1. Laughing out loud for no reason is my favorite thing to do! Ask my kids, they think I am crazy when I do! Then I have tears from laughing so hard! Ahh! Fun! I love your kids!!!

  2. KEEP LAUGHING!!!! Bahahahahahahahahahahahah!!! BAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!! Hagahahagag


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