Carpe Diem

Today I am hoping to
clean some stuff.
Kids are busy,
I should be busy.
I have this running list in my head
of things that need to get done.
I obsess over you,
as you can see by the frequency
with which I mention it.
I keep telling myself that
it will wait.
It can wait.
The things that matter
need to be done.
Everything else
can wait
if it needs to.
I need to
and listen.
Profound words from
Vanilla Ice.
Good advice.
I need to be sure to
hang out with my kids
when the opportunity presents itself.
Kennedy is going to grow up
and leave.
They all are.
And everything will change.
It will never be like this again.
I am almost willing to
put money on the fact
that I will:
still be disorganized,
still have issues with money,
and still have work that is
getting pushed to tomorrow.
But I won't have all my chicks
under my wing.
So I need to hang on to every moment
that I can get my hands around!
I need to worry less
and live more.
You should too!


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