These Are the Days

I really like Dollar General school books.
They are simple
And efficient.
Deisha loves doing them
And is learning so quickly.
I feel sort of overwhelmed this year.
School is getting more difficult
For the big kids,
Which means they need more help.
I have two early readers
Which means we do everything together.
And I have 2 babies.
I think you know what that means.
Then there's this job...
I sort of have to work to
Help foot the bill.
It's just a little bit
That makes ends meet.
These kids want to eat
Every single day!
It's a challenge that I am
Not quite up for,
And not able to back out of.
We are in it now, baby!
No turning back...
It's just a good thing the Dollar General
Has school books.
Every little bit helps!



  1. You have such a great life!!! and beautiful children! I wish you didnt have to work... it really cuts into our text/talk time! :-( I know I am selfish! WHatevsies! I have to get some work done at my house! EEEEEEEk!

    1. It's just getting crazier!!! I have to force myself to stop and look at the kids when they are talking to me. No bueno. I will only have to work for three years, sooo... that'll be good!

  2. Sarah, you are lucky...Becca and I never talk on the phone anymore:( busy busy busy. Wah!!!!

    1. I miss our Sunday talks!! Every week I think after church I will snuggle down for some down time and call you, and then I get home and try to snuggle down and -- then I caulk the tub. And the sink. And do laundry. make dinner. change diapers. help with algebra. fall asleep for a second at the kitchen sink. then it's 10:00. So... Like I said, I will only have to work for three years. So that'll be good! And besides, I am coming to your house so we can sit and talk day and night!! WOOHOO!!

  3. I know you are super busy and have a lot on your plate! I just want to be selfish too:) yay!!! 16 more days


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