
Sometimes I spend all day
counting the minutes to bedtime.
Some go at 7:30.
Some go at 8.
Some go at 9.
Then one more at 10.

Sometimes I spend all day
brushing off requests to play
or to listen to a story
or to look at something cool.

I don't wanna wish these days away.
I'm just so tired.
I've been running a few times a week.
I'm up to three miles,
which takes me 40 minutes.
With warm-up and stretching and
cool-down it's an hour.
So I ran today.
Then today we unloaded a
truckload of dirt to different places in our yard.
It was strenuous labor.
I'm worn out.

At the end of the day
I try to walk through the house and
pick-up, wipe-off, and vacuum
so that it is relatively clean
when I finally do go to bed.
During bang-up clean-up time
at the end of the day,
I get on edge.
"Get your shoes!"
"Pick up that trash!"
"Wipe that off!"
"Did you get that out?!"
Last night I just felt
riddled with guilt.
I'm wasting these precious days.
I could say it more nicely.
I could do the clean-up earlier.
I could make it fun.
But I am so tired.

I want to be so much different than I am.
Why do I keep doing
the things I don't want to do?
And why don't I do the things
I want to do...

While I am writing this
David Crowder is singing...
He is jealous for me.
Loves like a hurricane
I am a tree
bending beneath the weight of
His love and mercy...

He loves us.
Oh how He loves us.
Oh how He loves us.
Oh how He loves us all...

When we were yet sinners,
Christ died for us.
His mercies are new every morning.
I love Him.
He gives me hope that
I won't always be this way.
And even if I am
He never changes and
loves me just the same.



  1. I do the same thing and the kids always say, mom, you can say it nicer....I think it has to be every mom., if they are being honest....! Parenting will never be perfect...but we can try! God is good!!!


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