Party Grand Central

It makes me so happy to have a houseful of people that I love.
This kind of thing is happening more and more often.
It can bring a load to my already full plate,
but I do love it so!
It's worth every minute.
I really did just take the day a minute at a time.
It helped my intensity immensely.
I tend to overreact, 
seriously overreact,
when I am getting ready for company.
It's stupid and hurtful to my children
who are working like army ants 
to help me get ready. 
This time I did what mattered first.
Read my Bible.
Ran on the treadmill.
Went to da sto'.
Got dressed.
Did my hair and make-up.
Got the little ones ready.
After that I got busy,
kind of.

I had planned to make two salads, cupcakes, shark sugar cookies, tea, Kool-Aid, a piece of blackened fish, and salsa. What I ended up making was tea, and two salads. Dana brought the cupcakes, so that went off my list. Leila made the Kool-Aid. I did make the salsa, but I had it done the night before and forgot to get it out. boo. The fish got pushed to after the party, so Dale could take it for lunch today. And guess what. It.
Leila was happy to put up her own decorations. They were taped with blue painter's tape, which I loved. There was plenty of food because in my family, when people come to a birthday party, they bring something. It's perfectly delightful to be surprised as the table is filled! 
So party time arrived and I was dressed, no scrambling off to get a quick shower. The food was on the table. The clean house that I might have otherwise slaved for was already disheveled. It didn't matter.  Once the party starts, no one is looking at the crumbs on the floor. It's a given. 
I'm so thankful. I loved this party. It went on and on and on.  
Leila was thrilled with the turnout. She is planning to do some shopping with her own money. That's something she hasn't really done yet: clothes shopping.  I am excited to see what she picks out from fancy girly shop, Justice.
In honor of the success of yesterday's laid back party,
I will be applying the same "moment by moment" principle
to this day and the rest of this week.
If I think about all of it too much it is
I don't intend to be overwhelmed by a
ding-dang full schedule.
It's not worth it.  
There's too much cross-fire.
This morning in church, Rusty posed the question, "What is your the next big thing in life?" Immediately I thought of the next birthday party.  It will be a doozie.
But as I sat there thinking, I filtered through Dale's
next big thing, then the kids' next big things.
It was a little
When I first started working, my boss was in the throes of wedding planning.  She would assign various responsibilities to me, and I would execute them like a robot.  No worries.  It wasn't my big thing.  I just did it. I am thinking maybe if I can sort of have that same mentality, it would help me to execute tasks and responsibilities around here a little more efficiently. As if it weren't my big thing.
But because these big things matter to someone that I love, I will be diligent in execution. It sounds good to me. It almost enables me to be productive.
We'll see if it pans out.
As long as the Lord is my strength
and I keep coming back to Him to
restore my soul,
everything else will
fall into place.
Happy Sunday, my sweet readers.
What would I do without you??


  1. You know how to throw em!! Well, you would be very sad without me:) ha! Hey, your next big thing is coming here! Woohoo!!!!

    1. I have been so focused on the right now that our trip sneaked up on me! It's right around the corner! WOOHOO!!!


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