Making It

I know what you're thinking.
I am not on that track

I just got back from the grocery store.
I go everyday.
I go twice some days
to the same store
and another store.
I don't want to go everyday
or any day at all
to be quite honest.
I just want to go to the cabinet
open the door
and make the food.
AND I want everyone to like it.
Like it and applaud me.
As it is
I buy the ingredients
on a whim.
I toss together a plan
hope it all works out.
With this method
usually no one likes it.

There was a time when
I looked at food magazines
and made menus
and grocery lists
and made well prepared healthy foods.
It was impressive and worthy of applause.
I can't blame anyone for not being impressed
with taco salad
but I made something.
(Actually Jasmine made something.
It was delicious! Thanks Jas!)
I planned something.
That should count.
That should be worthy of applause
when you consider all the other things I did in the day.
I am not trying to pump myself up,
it's just that it isn't very evident
when you walk into my house.
And when I work constantly from sunup
to late into the evening,
the complaining is...
it comes across as aggressive.
That makes me defensive.
I don't want to be defensive.
I want to be more prepared.

So I am checking out this website called
It has menus and recipes and
healthy inspirations.
I am going to be
making it
for a few days.
I'll let you know how it all works out.
What I mean by that is
I'll let you know if it is
worthy of applause.

By the way,
this is how I looked running errands today.



  1. I use to plan every meal, now I wing it. So far so good. I think I will stick to kroger and aldis. I looked at that website you posted. I am not convinced. I will keep buying skim milk and lo fat. It is programmed in my brain! I think it is mostly psychological. Curious about the meal planning if u. Do that! Oh and I don't see anything wrong with u running errands like that! Pretty pretty!

    1. I am not planning to go all organic, I just wanted some ideas. I looked a little closer at it and... maybe not. I need real meals. Getting on now!

  2. I did some reading this morning on different types of milk and I am confused....I don't drink much at all. I may just buy whole. ??? The kids doctors have never expressed a concern. Hhhmmm


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