Par-ty! Par-ty! Par-ty!

After a wild,
and I mean wild, party,
I can breathe a sigh of relief.

This was a great party!

People came out of the woodwork for this guy. 
It was amazing.

 There were people everywhere.
 I'm not sure why I was surprised that it was totally nuts for about half an hour.
Once the starving natives were appeased with hot dogs and macaroni
order was restored to my kitchen.
 There were 23 kids spilling out my front door and all through the neighborhood.
 I kept dodging his questions all day about how many people were coming.
 So as the minivans pulled in and lined up all down our street,
he got more and more excited.
 Ten and eleven year old boys were everywhere he turned.
 Providence.  Thank You, Lord
 These are our sweet friends from Denmark. 
They are here every year for Trebo's party. 
The crowd must have been overwhelming.
They opted for a private picnic under the maple tree in our front yard.
They are a blessing to my family even if for only six weeks a year!!
 See what I'm saying?
 And of course,
 All of these kids are related to us. 
I love my family.
 Who is that beautiful lady in the corner? 
Is it you, Becca, you might ask?
Haha... no...
I get that a lot.
It's my lovely teenaged daughter.
 And who is this lovely lady?
It's MawMaw, the life of the party!
She cracks me up.
 ...all the way down the block.
It was the biggest thrill to look out
and see the train of minivans
in front of my house
for our party.
So. Happy.
And to think, this sweet little gal belongs to me.
I love my life.


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