Lesson Plans

I love busywork.
You might think I'm crazy
but I love to do
tedious detailed minutia
that has little relevance
to anyone but me.

Take, for instance,
last week when I decided to
scrub my cabinets.
I don't know why it was so important
one day
to stand up on the countertop
with a brush and bowl of soapy water
and scrub the grease off the
tops of the cabinets.
But I could hardly rest
until it was done.
And I loved doing it.

So now here I am
with 6 children in need of school plans.
And I am spending my nights
making sure that each week has a
balanced number of pages
from each book
of each subject
for each child.

Aye caramba.
Who will deliver me from the
It's necessary to a certain extent,
but not to this extreme.
And yet I somehow enjoy it
until it controls me.
Then I want to
sit and stare at nothing.
Think about nothing.
Answer no questions.
Count no pages.

The bad news is
the chocolate isn't helping anymore
no matter how many
giant bars of it
that I consume.
I haven't had a bubble bath for a few weeks.
I think it's time.



  1. We are a lot alike! hahahah....hey, I know where you can get a bunch of Kit Kats!!:)

  2. This is my future.... Maybe sort of- I am so different than you in this OCD way, so maybe it won't be my future! Lol but if it is maybe the chocolate will help, if I am able to stay less sugared!!

    1. Yes! Hopefully my experience will help to prevent some bumps in the road in your future!!


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