Free Day!

Dale is off work on Thursdays.
It's his only full day off
now that he's in school.
I worried that it would make for
a busy week.
I was right.
That's true.
It makes for a very busy week.
However, we are determined to
make Thursdays count!

Last night, our Friday night,
or Saturday night,
however you look at it,
we were up into the
weeee hours of morning
studying and doing work for coop.
This morning we slept in
until 8...

We picked Max up from the vet
and then started school.
Only, instead of sitting at the table,
today we sat
in the living room
with Dale
doing our various assignments.
We ate delicious tuna melts for lunch.
Right now we are all snuggled down
in the basement
watching 42.
I promised to
come down and
watch it.
I had to restrain myself
from doing
this and that upstairs
before coming down.
I kept starting to do things and
making myself walk away.
The house is messy.
The laundry is clean in baskets.
The bed isn't made.
The floor needs to be vacuumed.
I don't have lunch ready for Dale
to take to work tomorrow.
But for now,
I am here.
I am present.
I am in the basement watching 42.


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