
Weekends aren't weekends
at all for us.
We used to have Wednesdays and Thursdays
for our weekends because Dale was off.
Now his days are split.
And we both work hard all day Saturday.
I don't rest on Sunday because
he's not here to take a nap with me.
And I have all of this to manage...

I miss him when he's not here.

So today instead of trekking all over tarnation
or slaving over what isn't getting done
I decided to focus on one thing
 that needs to be accomplished
before we start school next week.
And then I will take a nap.

Instead I am blogging.
I will snuggle down in my chair pretty soon.
I really need it after this week.
Seems like things just get busier all the time!

Sista popped in yesterday.
She made my day when she did this.
And this.

She makes me laugh so
so much.
At seven this morning Dale left for work.
Since I was already up I decided to fix myself up.
We were still late.
I parted my hair on the other side because
my bangs were misbehaving.
I showed them.
Then on the way to church
I got a disapproving look from Kennedy
in the rearview mirror.
My hair looked nuts.
Hmph... too late to change it.
I just had to suck it up and go in
looking nuts!
I get lonely on Sundays.
I used to love going to church.
Most of my life I looked forward to
going to church.
It was my social life.
I love the Lord. I do.
I love Him and I want to worship with other believers.
But He set church up to link our hearts
with Him at the tie that binds.
It's disheartening.
I feel like a misfit.
I'm not the only one,
I just don't know how to fix it.
I know some people,
and people know me.
But my life does not intertwine with any of their lives.
So when we get home on Sundays I get crazy legs and
I want to drive somewhere.
Go to MawMaw's or T.R.'s or Nana's.
I want to be with people that know us.
Sometimes we just sit in the driveway when we get home
talking about all the things we'd rather do
than go in the house.

So I fix myself up and
try to act like it doesn't bother me.
But it does.
You know me.
I guess that's why I love blogging.
It helps me to feel connected to someone
that knows me.
Now, on to the lesson plans.


  1. No worries!...you always look so pretty! You hair is awesome in this pix! Did u find any deals yesterday? We start school wed. Goodbye summer...

    1. Thank you, sweet Cara! I curled it with the straightener! We are starting too... little girls tomorrow, everyone else Tuesday. Will be interesting with our new schedule to see how it all goes this year!


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