My mother

I got up early this morning
made a bottle
three bowls of oatmeal
and a cup of coffee.
I jumped in the shower
quick fixed my hair
put makeup on
and woke up the kiddos.
I changed, fed, and dressed the little ones
and headed to church.
After church we ate lunch
cleaned up
and started on the kitchen cabinets.
I've been scrubbing them
top to bottom.
When I got to the end of the line
I started on the refrigerator.
The outside of the refrigerator.
It took a few hours
of scrubbing altogether
but I am finally sitting.

A few minutes ago I looked at the clock and realized
it's almost dinner time.
I am making potato soup.
It's not hard,
but it is a lot of steps that take time.
For a second I pitied myself
not being able to just relax
all day long.
Which made me think of my mother.

She may be the hardest working woman I know.
It's a rare moment to find her sitting doing nothing.
When she does, I am certain that she is totally exhausted.
What an example of godly womanhood.

My sister was talking yesterday
about being lovely. 
She wants to be described as lovely
in God's sight.
It occurred to me today that it was
only a few posts ago
that I referred to my mother as "lovely".
She really is. 
I feel blessed to have
such a rich heritage in my family.
But especially my mother.
She set the pace for my life
by the grace of God.
It gave me a head start
in preparation for all of this.
Thank You, Lord.
And thank you, Mom!



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