A break from the norm

The thing is, I have these really cool kids. I don't entertain; I really never have. After about fifteen minutes of the noise, I get tired of the TV. Those things combined contribute to their little creative minds. They spend a lot of time dreaming up stuff like this. Micah has always had a really interesting perception of space. I'm not talking about space, the great beyond, I'm talking on paper. If he draws a fly on a leaf, he may zoom in on it on the next page to draw details, in turn making the leaf bigger as the fly gets bigger, get it? He's been doing it for years. It always fascinated me because while I can eyeball two inches and draw six lines equally spaced at that distance, I can't draw a dude with shoulders in proportion to his head. I'm spatially handicapped. It's a gift he has.

He spends hours with his camera, snapping pictures of all kinds of things. He has a battery allowance every week because he burns them up so fast. Initially he was taking pictures of pictures of books or recording segments of Spongebob. Lately he's been making stop-motion videos. You remember the little comic flip-book? You flip through a big stack of pages to watch a person take four steps to the stop sign, right? Cartooning 101. That's what he does, only he uses toys or Legos or clay or paper and a camera. Yesterday he was using a toy dinosaur and to show him walking forward, he drew a background and then moved it backwards instead of moving the dinosaur forward, just rearranged it's legs. Now, I know how they do it on movies and cartoons and you know, because when we were kids someone told us that's how they did it. But I've never told him, he just figures things out. He's pretty stinking amazing. As soon as we figure out how to take all the pictures and make a video from them, I'll load some of his work. I don't mean to brag but he's mine, and he's awesome. How could he not be, though. Have you seen his dad?


  1. Another Great blog!!! I love the crayon Picture!!!! That is awesome!


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