
This baby makes me laugh. On this particular day Tre was in the bathtub. She kept running back and forth from the bathroom to the living room. He would load her up with bubbles and we would load her up with laughs.

We had a little trouble timing the flash with her smiling.

She loves to torment Scooder. Here she is smacking him in the face with the bone he loves and can't resist.

We were having a really good time.
The kid is a proficient climber. I find her sitting on my dining room table a couple of times a week. Usually she is after a drink with a straw that someone put there hoping to keep it away from her. Unfortunately for us I don't have eyes on her all the time. I know. It's a small place. How could I lose sight of her? But I do.
The other day while I was working in the kitchen, she was toddling around the living room and found something to entertain herself with. She spent a good thirty minutes pilfering through these movies looking for Elmo.

Then after she had looked at enough of them, she climbed in and just sat. It's tough to get a good picture of her because she is constantly moving. She's a hoot.
I love you, little snookums! I want to hug you and kiss you and squeeze you!! So--mommy will have to do it for me! Run away--fast!!