The Prize

He rang the doorbell about fifteen minutes after we got home. The little ones opened the door and stood in shocked silence when this hairy dude said, "Surprise!" I came around the corner and joined the shocked silence. It was his voice and his blue eyes, but I've never seen my man like this. I loved it the shock. Loved it, loved it, LOVED IT! The hair lasted... oh, maybe three weeks. I don't think he was up for the maintenance so I didn't react when he said, "That's it. I'm shaving it." I love that shiny bald head just as much as those ruddy red locks.

He just looks a little rougher, more like a biker this way. I think he looks like The Dean of Mean Keith Jardin with glasses. And I really like those glasses!
The prospect of being away from Dale for four weeks was a little daunting and exciting at the same time. I like it when we are apart for a few days or a week here and there when he has business trips. However, the last time he was gone for a month I about lost my mind. I found out I was pregnant a few days before he left, an inmate escaped a few days after he left, and we started K12 for the first time. Each of these things on it's own was enough to scramble my brain. The combination of the three about put me over the edge. Have I mentioned that I get a little crazy, a little irrational even, when I'm pregnant? Well I do. It's not pleasant. This time I had the benefit of being surrounded by the people I love the entire time. It wasn't me and the kids against the world on our own, so I was starting out ahead.
Needless to say after four weeks apart, even with the cushion of love around me, I felt wildly relieved to see his face in real life when he walked through the door. This trip proved to me that I can be away from him. The fact is, I just really don't want to. A few days here, a week there, I can handle and even enjoy. A month is too dang long. Thank goodness we didn't join the Air Force! God knew we could never do it.
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