Nick's Birthday

Maybe you didn't notice that Nick looks like one of mine. He's basically part of our family. Every morning he's the first one to ring the doorbell, and the last one I kick out of the house at the end of the play day. On his birthday he invited Micah to Los Angeles with his family. They went to Universal Studios, an Angels game, and stayed in a hotel.
So for his birthday I thought we needed to do something special for him. If you have never been my neighbor, you may not know that I show love this way. Since I didn't have candy or toys stashed away for birthday surprises, I whipped this lovely little delight and yelled for the kids to come in.
One for the girls...
...and one for the boys. They gobbled them up. We used to get this at Cheddars when we lived in Springfield. It's called a Cookie Monster. My mother-in-law bought me these awesome little skillets so that we could make the real thing. It's a chocolate chip cookie baked in an iron skillet, topped with ice cream and chocolate sauce. It should also have whipped cream and a cherry on top, but I didn't have either of those.
*BLOG BONUS*I didn't have chocolate sauce either, but I have a recipe for it.
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
Mix these ingredients, bring them to a boil, and simmer 10 minutes.
Now you have a recipe for it when you get in a pinch.


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