Ballerina Mania

This kid... she's a wonder. I never took ballet. I also ruled it out for my own children because, well frankly, I have four girls and it's expensive. But I have taught them to pray for the desires of their hearts knowing that God cares about the small stuff. Kennedy has asked to take ballet a few times, but I always poopooed the idea in light of the cost. She started to pray that the Lord would give her jobs in the neighborhood so that she would be able to pay for the classes. She even delivered flyers to everyone we know offering dog-walking and babysitting services. Then heaven sent her an answer by way of her fairy grandmother; her dream has come true.
Jasmine is taking classes too. They get so excited every week to get suited up in their tights and leotards. This month we started attending at a new studio that we all love. I wish we would've started there in the beginning. This is another answer to prayer, as I wasn't convinced that we were under the best guidance before. God hears.

Kennedy is also teaching herself to play the violin. I love to walk by their room and hear classical strings or piano music playing in the background. Who knew my kids would have a taste for the finer things... along with their affinity for Spongebob.


  1. they are so diverse - because their parent watch UFC

  2. I love those beautiful girls! i can't wait to come out and see the Ballet shows now!


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