Sarah's Farm

My dad and sister bought this house that was a foreclosure. It's on five acres, has a pond with fish in it, a couple of out buildings, fruit trees, a garden plot, and years memory-making potential.

Early in our visit we started making trips to the farm to fish, pick fruit, check out Papa's progress on the remodel, and party. It's kind of a dreamland.

In this photograph we have my sister dragging her best boy and Deisha around the pond in the wagon. Love it!

My dad was really excited about taking the kids fishing, almost as excited as the kids were. They were hysterical. Because of the sheer numbers, the kids had to take turns with the poles. No one in their right mind has enough poles to go around for my bunch. Poor Tre; every time he got a turn with a pole, he spent most of his turn trying to unsnag his hook from the trees and the rocks.

Here's the crew from my vantage point. From left to right we have Kennedy, Micah, Jasmine, Sarah, my dad, and Leila and Deish in the wagon. It was so much fun!!!

This was my vantage point in the shade, far and away from the risk of Tre's flying fishing hooks.

This is my fancy-lady sista in her overalls. I love her. She's my fave.

We had a heck of a time with the bait. My dad thought we could find worms in the ground, but we didn't have much luck. As a matter of fact I think Micah brought over a grub worm and that was about the extent of their findings. Can you fish with those? I don't know. I assume my dad knows everything and I don't really question his methods.

Jon spent a lot of time right there helping with hooks and snags and standing guard in case anything jumped out of the water onto a line. He's super-duper. We like him very much.

Trebo. He makes me laugh.

I can't remember what they were doing here... I pretty much stayed in the shade close to the water. I love the country, but you can't take the city out of the girl, you know?
Here's our spot. The cars were close behind where I eventually moved to. Deisha was having a good time for about an hour. After that we moved to the comfort of our truck with music and windows that close. She likes it in there because it gives her the illusion of freedom.
My dolly, Lolly. She's just this cute in real life.
Sis loves fishing. I mean she lives for it. The sun, the worms, the-- fishing... she loves every minute of it. Can't you see how much she is loving it? xoxo
Come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We'll go out there every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!Even in the rain and snow and sleet and then there will be ice skating and sledding on the pretend hill. Come back!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE IT!!! YOU ARE TOTALLY MY FAVE!!!!! Dad and I were digging for worms!!! I have to agree with mom... COME BACK!!!
ReplyDeletePs... did youjust get my text message??