
On the way to my mom's we stopped at my T.R and Mel's house for dinner and some hanging out in Kansas City with the cousins.

I should have known my brother's house would be immaculate and perfectly organized. He was the kid that organized his cassette tapes in alphabetical order and checked them every night to see if I "borrowed" any of them without asking. I usually did.

He also had the coolest toys for the kids! Their garage was too short to park their truck in, so it made for another indoor playroom. This little pop-up tent/playhouse was in there. He found it blowing down the road so he hopped out and snatched it. Now my kids are in it with his. And boy did they love it!
I love this picture; we could be triplets! This is my cousin Erica. She, Aunt Cindy, and Uncle Greg came too, but I was so taken by their company that I didn't have the mind to snap more pictures. It was kind of an emotional night for me besides, with leaving Richmond and everything... booooooohooooohoooo... waaaaaaahhhhhh!!!! I'm still sad!!!

This was a precious moment that I did manage to capture. Uncle Greg was always the funtime uncle that I adored who could do no wrong. Deisha must have sensed that because she went straight to his arms, and I don't think he could have been any more tickled about it. I love that! It really stinks that I didn't get a picture of Aunt Cindy, I really am sorry. I need a picture of you for my collection, so could you send one my way? Email would be great. Please and thank you very very much!!! xoxo


  1. so fun to relive your trip with you - need to skype soon!


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