Phantom Napper

It's a fight almost every day to get Leila to take a nap. She's at that age where she knows she could get away with not taking a nap, but her little body really needs it. She seems big enough to pass on it sometimes, but usually she's crashed out on the couch by five o'clock and I remind myself that she's only three. Three-year-old kids still need naps; it's just the way it is. It's hard to believe she'll be four next week. Tre was only four when we moved here. The days go so fast somehow!

So the other day I sent her to bed at nap time. She was in there for about five minutes when I went back in to make sure she wasn't digging through my drawers, and this is how I found her. As a matter of fact, I looked under the beds and walked out of the room calling her before I realized that that tiny shape under the blanket was her little body! She's so funny...


  1. I love this tiny girl!! I can't believe she isn't a baby anymore!


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