Sandy Came to Nana's!!!

When the details of our trip were finalized, it seemed like I'd be there for so long that I'd want to travel all over to see my friends that were within five ours. Turns out after three days of driving and then the back and forth to Kansas City and Great Bend burned me out on the whole travel thing. It was a huge relief that I made plans with my best girl Sandy to come and visit while we were at my moms. I love her. She's the kind of friend that every woman needs and wishes they had.

She came early in the morning and stayed two nights with us, which was amazing. We had so much fun laughing and just hanging out. Her kids didn't come this time so that on our visit we could concentrate on catching up, which was just what the doctor ordered for both of us. On thing we did do was play American Idol on the Wii. The kids were totally into it and begged to play over and over again. My little rock star was the only one I captured because I'm kind of a flake that way. This just cracks me up every time he gets a microphone!

I have to say that my favorite moments with American Idol came when it was just Sandy, me, and Sarah. And Brooke via Facebook. And Jonjenek and Teresa via text. We laughed so much that night that I had flashbacks to my benedryl episode when I was in the hospital having Leila.
Thanks for coming, Friend. I'm pretty sure you can't know how much it meant to me.
you didn't have permission to post those dandy photos - ickkkkkk