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The whirlwind settled pretty quickly after we got home from Grandma's. T.R. and Mel left at the crack of dawn on Sunday morning, David and Erin left shortly after that, and then things slowed way down. Jon and Cara were there for a few more days and we were there for a few more weeks, and Sarah was there indefinitely, so we had some time to take it easy.

My kids took lots of baths at my moms. It got pretty hot after the holiday and the pool lost it's luster, for whatever reason. I can't say I blame them for wanting to be inside, nobody caught me out there very often.

I don't know what it is about this tub... I think it's deeper than the average tub. It makes for a really luxurious bubble bath- or shark's cove.

My brother, Jon, managed to pick up some kind of stomach bug on the way home from Great Bend, so he spent a lot of time quarantined. He woke up Sunday morning and felt pretty miserable. By his birthday on Tuesday he was finally feeling better. My mom made a peach cobbler in honor of him and boy was it yummy! Reminded me of my Grandma's from waaaaaay back. Happy Birthday, Dude! I'm glad we were there to mark the year with you.

Unfortunately for the birthday boy, his littlest one, Stephanie, picked up the bug and threw up while she was sitting on his lap that morning. They were scheduled to leave the next day, but decided to just get on the road. It was hard to see them go early. I hated saying the graduated good-byes. It was like a slow march to the inevititable end of this amazing adventure.

Leila was the first one to get it after they left. I had a feeling it would make the rounds, and rounds it did make. She started with a headache and then spiked a fever. Poor thing, I just felt awful for her. She slept for a full day and night and then clung to me the next day. She was super snuggly that whole time. That part was really fun, it was undoing all of that coddling that wasn't fun.

And this is me, the host of this blog, where I sat for a full week while my kids suffered the repercussions of the mysterious Taco Tico bug. (That's where we think Jon got it.) Ok, I didn't really sit here the whole time. I sat here with Lol, and then I sat here in blocks of time while the other kids slept all over the living room floor for three days. It was kind of nice to not have to chase a schedule; we had been running like gangbusters for so long that we were exhausted on top of being sick.
These two... we've got to do something about their being so camera shy! Check out Tre's eyes, I don't think anyone believes me but this photo is close enough to show that his right eye is blue and his left eye is green. Isn't that cool???
There were a lot more pictures like this... thirteen actually. You get my drift.
I love this girl!!! She is a teacher in Texas and I would pay big bucks to have her as an in-home private tutor. As soon as I get some big bucks and a house big enough for you and Grace to move in, I'm calling you! Think about it, okay?
I love being at this table. This is where my mom always sits- unless one of the kids changes the seating arrangement. At some point in every meal we ate here, and we ate a lot of them here, she had a kid on her lap. She's the best Nana EVER!
Red Knight came to have dinner with us and lucked out on pizza day! Woohoo! We had a lot of pizza on this trip, but it was a lot of homemade pizza. We could have eaten it everyday and I wouldn't have minded. One of the kids gave me a survey the other day and asked me what my favorite food was. Guess what I said. I know! I'm an adult with a very broad palate, you'd think I would be a little more creative in choosing favorites, but... ilovepizza. I LOVE PIZZA! What can I say?


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