A Party, A Party

He's eccentric, but in some things, he's pretty low-maintenance; like this party, for example. For Tre's seventh birthday, he asked for a day out with me and Dale full of shopping and eating out and alone time aka playing his DS in the backseat while Dale and I talked in the front on the way to Santa Maria. We did that on Wednesday.

So before I started painting the dining room on Saturday, the day of his birthday, I baked a cake and stuck it in the oven to hide it from the constant flow of traffic in and out of the house.

The deal was, if Tre got his room cleaned, he could invite his friends over for cake; he didn't get it cleaned up. All day I was making threats about how he'd have to only share his cake with us and his friends would be disappointed which was a moderate amount of leverage since they were all outside waiting for most of the day.

He did go back and spend about five minutes piling stuff into neater piles so it wasn't spread all over the room, but it definitely wasn't clean and I wasn't happy about it. It was his birthday DAY, however, and I'm kind of a sucker for birthdays so I decided to feed them cake anyway. Besides, once word got out that we had a cake we were willing to share, kids started showing up and they weren't leaving until they got cake. Seriously, they started coming at 8:30 and I gave them all the boot around 5:00 that night when I started dishing up dinner. So when I got the mess cleaned up from the paint, and Dale got home, we lit a candle because my birthday supply box is depleted, sang Happy Birthday, cut the cake, and sent them to the courtyard to party.

It wasn't fancy, but he loved it. And I love him. Happy Birthday, Wild Nut! You're awesome!!!


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